Friday, September 28, 2007

weekend reading(shopping)

my super awesome friend (yeah, you know it) brought me the new 2008 ikea catalog today!!! i can't wait to sit on my couch, in my clean living room and do some shopping.

checking in...

i haven't disappeared... i just have a lot of work to do. i will be continuing with my kitchen/dining area since there is not much of an entry to my house.

i am going to buy my paint this weekend too!

Monday, September 24, 2007

major repair

so the biggest issue that i had was the hole in my bathroom wall. my dad came last week and filled it in. here are the results.

i found a website that demonstrates how to repair drywall. i wasn't here to watch him but have seen it before on a larger scale.

i still haven't decided on a paint color. :(

week two: progress

okay so this wasn't on my list, but my cat was laying on my bed, and my duvet doesn't currently have a cover on it. i scared him and he jumped and ran and TORE my duvet.... feathers everywhere. it was really quite funny because he thought it was fun and kept jumping on it while i was trying to keep all my feathers in my very favorite, can't live without, duvet. so i mended it!

i have always used a water filter! i have one on my faucet and the pitcher in the fridge.

i have painted just about every wall in this house. so i have been very close to every wall. i have a combination of plaster on lath, plaster on brick, and drywall. this makes it difficult, but not impossible, to hang pictures on the walls.

i think my cabinets look great, i did this exercise a couple of months ago. although, i still have a bit of work to do on my kitchen and since i don't have a foyer, but a small basket that collects my mail. i can continue with the kitchen/dining room task. i did get under the sink and organize!!



my storage closet, has improved!! here is my daughter sorting out the mismatched containers.

i also added some more hooks to the bar for some pots and pans that are used regularly and additional utensils.


we cut new flowers from my garden this morning. my cat doesn't seem so interested, but i had to put the jar in a vase so he wouldn't knock the water over. he is strange little kitty.

i feel that i know what my style is. how to describe... not so sure. i will continue to post pictures.


i cooked earlier in the week. i look forward to more cooking now that my kitchen is clean.

the part that i am most excited about!! my best friend and i are 5 days apart and our birthday is coming up at the beginning of october. we throw ourselves a party every year. this year we are going to do it at my house, and since we were so late in planning we are going to postpone it to NOVEMBER 2. i am so excited, because there is no turning back now!

i will add more photos to flickr this weekend. i am at my max.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

week two: kicthen

this has already been a crazy week for me already and it isn't going to get better.... however, my dad came and got my junk. this is just the first load of junk. i keep sorting through and filling bags with clothes and other miscellaneous stuff. i will be ready again next week.

he also patched the hole in the wall in the bathroom he has to apply one more coat of spackle in the morning then ready to sand and paint. i just need to pick a color... i have been leaning towards blue but i have too many blue rooms...

any other favorite colors for a bathroom?

he also cut my grass, which just makes him super fantastic!!

getting rid of the junk helped clear out my room a bit, so i am still trying to find the floor to mop, but at least i am getting somewhere! i need to hold off since i will be sanding.

in my attempt to do this cure alone at the beginning of the summer, i did get to week 2, and cleaned my kitchen. which doesn't make this such a frightening task. i do need to touch up a bit, and my fridge is a little unhappy. i need to concentrate on unused, unpaired Tupperware containers and excessive baking pans. (i actually do love to bake). and the storage closet which is in my kitchen and my dining room need the most attention. (you saw photos, yikes!)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

week one: deep treatment

some of my repairs include:
-painting, (2 rooms need it)
-window treatments - i have to loose the vinyl mini-blinds
-a hole in the drywall in the bathroom

so, finding and cleaning the mop bucket was a task in itself... but, it is so rewarding to mop my floor. it has made my living room beautiful already. i still need some new furniture and put up artwork.

my dining room is going to have to wait until next week with the kitchen... it is currently my outbox (yes, the whole room).

as for upstairs, that is tonights task. i picked up in there a bit today, so it shouldn't be too much to vacuum and mop. i still need to add before pics, i will do that now.

i bought the book months ago and read through with the intentions of doing it on my own. since then i have had 2 out boxes, one upstairs and one downstairs. if something doesn't have a home, i stick it in there and then periodically empty them and donate (usually everything) to the thrift store. it has been a while since i emptied them. they are all packed up and ready to be dropped off monday. just waiting for my dad's truck... (yes there is that much stuff).

this is the upstairs outbox... it will be emptied tomorrow!


i love having flowers in my house. plants too. saying that... i don't have a single living plant in my house. as i have had to take a good look around, i see that i have a dead dried up basil plant that did not make many dinners. i would like to add plants and flowers to my home as part of this cure. we cut flowers from my garden today instead of buying flowers.


i sat in a spot in my living room that i have had a dresser and the tv so it hasn't been accessible until now. as far as the layout of this room, the furniture that i have, i like, and i like it in the location that it is in. i also was in this room before i cleaned it so my concentration was on what was in store for me. i definitely need a coffee table and some more artwork and furniture.

i am happy to say that i love and have always used murphy's oil soap. method's containers are designed so great, what a bonus that they are earth friendly!! i will look for others at target.

check out the before picture on flicker!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

dorabella designs

a friend of mine owner of DoraBella Designs has just launched her new online store check out her awesome hand painted glass ornaments.

i have several and they look fantastic on my christmas tree. but they would make a great accessory to any room.

Friday, September 14, 2007


i went to the Calyx & Corolla website mentioned in the book. they sell a year of gerbera daisies, where you get fresh, beautiful gerbera daisies delivered to your house every month. i would love to be able to afford such a treat!

Monday, September 10, 2007

week one: the interview and quiz


This Week's Assignment:
Get your hands on a copy of the book and read through page 69. This gives you all the ground work and gets you started with the interview and short quiz on the health of your home.

Here are my answers:


List your favorites in each category...
Actress: Scarlett Johannsen
Actor: Tay Diggs
Artist: My kid.
Writer: Recently read a book by Ayelet Waldman that I enjoyed.
Music: Reggae and R&B, Sanchez, John Legend, Jill Scott
Restaurant: Millie's
Automobile: VW Convertible
Television show: Food Network Challenge/Weeds/Big Love
Clothing (designer or store): Banana Republic, if I could fit in their clothes.

How would you describe your style (3 words)?
1. classic
2. functional
3. comfortable

Personal History

Where have you lived: Mississauga, Canada; Richmond, Virginia; Blacksburg, Virginia
Where you grew up: Mississauga, Canada
As an adult: Richmond, Virginia

Whom would you consider a role model?
my mom.

What three adjectives describe the qualities that you admire in this person?
1. honest
2. giving
3. patient


What is the problem with your apartment (3 words)?
1. unorganized
2. unfinished
3. cluttered

If your apartment could speak, what would it say is the problem?
you have too much stuff and no where to put it... get it out of here. oh, and fix that wall.

What one thing would you like to do or do more of in your apartment?
read a book without feeling like there are other things i should be doing

Eight weeks from now, when this project is done, if friends came to visit how would you like them to describe your home (3 words)?
1. beautiful
2. clean
3. organized


Does your home support everything you want to do? No
Do you use your home often? No
Is there room for everything you want to do at home? No
Is there a good space for what is most important to you? No

Do you consider your home beautiful? Almost... does that count as a No?
Do you feel you have a sense of style? Yes
Does your clothing express your style? No
Does your home express your style? No

Do you consider your home comfortable? No
Do you sleep well at night? Yes
Is your apartment organized? No
Is it easy to clean and declutter? No

Do you consider your home to be in good shape? No
Is everything in good working order? No
Do you take care of repairs quickly? No
Do you clean your home often? Nope.

Score: 2 Yes, 14 No
Very ill. Depressing. Serious Problems that are harmful to your health.

This is not shocking.

Monday, September 03, 2007

book: eat pray love

i have finally started reading eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert. i bought this book sometime in june and just never started it. as i have become completely addicted to my google reader, and have been able to catch up on some amazing blogs it seems this book is one i must read.

new start!!

apartment therapy is starting a their fall 8-week cure which i am going to participate in!! now that september has started and i don't have anything going on for the next month or so, it is perfect timing.

today i am straighting and will post some pictures of 'before' so to say. also have most of my house in the computer and will continue to draw it out so we can see the progress room by room (with the exception of ryan's, since that is essentially done, with a few remaining projects).

i have the book and will read ahead (again) to see what is in store for me the first week!!